
Fishing Tackle & Gear for Beginners

Fishing tackle and gear is the wide-ranging supplies used by fishermen when fishing. Specific tackle equipment can include boxes, reels, gaffs, nets, lines, sinkers, baits, waders, lures, etc.

Fishing Lures and Tackle BoxBelow is an overview of the specific bits of kit used by fishermen:

Fishing rods

Basic fishing gear for the angler includes a rod and reel. A fishing rod can vary from a sophisticated rod to a simple stick. High-end rods come in high-tech materials and expertly crafted. Modern rods are manufactured in graphite, fiberglass, or a combination of both. Early rods were produced in materials like cane and bamboo. Fishing rods come in varied sizes, strengths, lengths, and shapes. Also, rods can be manufactured for catching a specific species of fish or for a particular fishing spot.


Fishing reels are largely split into three styles: multipliers, spinning reels (or fixed spool), and fly reels. Reels are what the angler uses to let out the fishing line and pull in the captured fish. This means fishing is possible at a greater distance. Reels vary significantly and come in a variety of shapes and sizes to match the intended style of fishing, speed of retrieval, strength, and amount of line to hold.


Stock the tackle box with multiple sizes and configurations of hooks to ensure you are ready to snare any sort of quarry. The hook comes in many different sizes, shapes, and materials, and includes the single to treble hooks. A regular J-hook is a popular choice, while a French hook is also favored. Hook sizes vary from the smallest at 32 to the largest at number 19/0.

Fishing line

The type of line packed in the tackle box depends on the species of fish you are fishing for and where you are fishing. The fishing line is available in plenty of different types that vary in relation to shape, fabric, elasticity, breaking strain, color, feel, diameter, and length. If fishing in a calm, crystal-clear lake a clear and thin line is a practical option, whereas, a heavy-duty line is more advisable if fishing in difficult conditions. A durable and heavy line is much less likely to snap when attempting to haul out the larger catch.


Bait comes in all shapes and sizes. Of course a popular choice is the different kinds of natural bait such as nuts, hemps, larvae, grubs, red worms, as well as several types of fish and meat. Alternatively, the fabricated baits consist of boiled, sweet corn, and bread. Preferred bait relates to the type of fish you are attempting to pursue and capture. Fleshy baits will attract the attention of carnivorous fish like pike, sharks, and barracuda. Carp is caught using edible bait like boiled nuts, luncheon meat, and bread flake.


Most fishermen can get away with an old hook and worm at the end of the rod when perusing fish. But there are literally thousand of different types of lures: minnow imitations, spoons, and spinners are some of the top-rated lures. Different lures react in different ways to help attract the fish. For instance, a minnow imitation is compact in size and appears much like miniature minnows swimming. This lure can attract several different types of medium-large sized fish. Spinners are one of the most popular and designed with an attached blade which helps to create a spinning motion; this helps to attract the fish.


Bobbers (also call floaters) are helpful for letting the angler know when a fish bites on the line. Any fish that bites on the bait will cause the bobber to sink. This lets the fisherman know it is time to start reeling in the catch. Again, there are several different types of bobbers to choose from. A standard bobber is in a plastic material, round, and colored white or red. However, a bobber can put a limit on the depth the line can be cast.

Plastic worms

Plastic worms offer a convenient alternative to live bait and come in several different sizes and colors. Plastic worms with the longer tail are the most clear-cut to use. Soft plastic bait is highly versatile and an effective option for catching certain fish like sea angler bass, wrasse, and Pollock.

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